Monday, November 30, 2009

Un-invited Visitors!!!!!

You can either have a nice Spring breeze, and expect these to come visit. Or, you can not have either. Thing is by the time these HUGE cockroaches hit the doorway they die. But who wants to pick THAT up and throw outside. I have never been so disgusted in my life. These are the biggest and most hideous cockroacehs I've ever seen. Can't leave ANYTHING food wise on the counters at night. It will be covered. Supposidly, this is normal in Australia. Everyone gets them. I find NOTHING normal about this!!! I can't believe I even posted this pic. Sick! Not to mention the spiders. And the fact that we are supposed to check our shoes before we put them on??
On a better note: Today is officially the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER! May the beachin' it continue........

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Outta Whack!

It's Spring time here. And soon to be Summer. Thus my background. Though, I must say I am missing the feeling of fall. Halloween in Spring just didn't feel quite right. Christmas in Summer (100* weather at that) will be so weird. Nonetheless, I'm taking what I've got and enjoying it at it's best. Been beachin' it TONS lately!! And loving every minute of it. With Spring, comes the big races over here. Horse races. Everybody gets all "frocked" up and heads out for a fun day. That's next weekend for me. As I'm spending this weekend on the beach with my Canadian friends :)
Melbourne trip the weekend after that, Christmas party the weekend after that, "Nanny Night Out" the weekend after that, taking the Girls to see "The Wiggles!" the weekend after that, then Christmas. Why oh WHY no matter where you are, this time of year is always SO busy! I know I am oh so behind on pictures. But I will gather some to put up very soon. For now, I must go Soak up the sun, while I'm missing Fall.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I'm SOOOO behind on posting, it's insane. I mainly post all my pics on Facebook now. It's a lot easier, and just about everyone seems to be on there, so yeah. Life in Australia is absoluetly amazing. I get along so well with the family, and the girls are as cute as can be. Defenitley 2, but still cute! My sister and brother in law were recently out for a visit. My brother in law had a bussiness trip here, and his office happened to be located litteraly down the street from where I live! It was a lot of fun to have them in town, and SO hard to say goodbye. I had JUST adjusted to life here, and sometimes think seeing people from home happened TOO soon. But, I was counting down the days til they came, and LOVED every minute of it while they were here.
I feel SO incredibly lucky to be able to be here and have this experience. Sometimes on crazy days, I have to remind myself, that some people would give anything to have what I do!!

Here are a few pics from recent days!!

* It's Illegal to hold a Koala in the state of New South Wales (will be making my way to Queensland for that adventure!) But you can pet them!

* The other picture of of me and my friend Natasha and just myself at Bondi Beach. I LOOOOVEEEE it here in Australia. And being SO close to the beach just makes it THAT much better!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

When I grow up......

I always wanted to be a teacher. But once I figured out how much I HATE school, that SO changes. But only a little bit. There has always been this thought in my mind that maybe I will become a High School World History teacher. It'd be amazing! But along with that comes this list...that I'm contemplating for careers. Too many choices. And have NO clue where to go and what to do.

- The latest..... Police Academy. What's better than being a Police officer. It's not about the uniform. Not about the authority. But for me...about helping other people. Those in need.

- Beauty School...people always feel better about themselves when walking out of a salon. You just feel good. Or I do anyway. And how much fun would it be to chop off and dye hair all day??? Easy peasy.

- Daycare ... I've done this forever. It's what I know. That's why I wonder if once I get home it's time to move on? Sometimes I wonder. But at most times, I could not imagine my life not working with kids. In this type of job it is SO not about the money. Just the other rewards that come with it. The feeling. Some know what I mean. It makes everything you do worthwhile.

- Flight Attendant.... why would you not want to make someone elses trip more enjoyable? Get them a drink, or help them feel more comfortable. Maybe even taking their ticket at the gate. Somoene has to do it. And it is still one of the top things I TOTALLY want to do. Although I had the chance, the timing just wasn't right. If it's meant to be, it will happen again. I have no doubt about it.

-HS World History teacher....still an option. When I learn to love school. 4 freakin' years??? Kill me now!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Australia at last!

It's been.....who knows how long since an update. Too long. I've made it to Australia. It's just as beautiful as it's talked up to be. Actually...better! I love love LOVE it here already. These pics are just from last Saturday night. Went out with these two girls I've met, and had a blast! Will post more pictures later. But, I'm blogged out for the night. This update continues pic wise, so keep clicking "older post" to see all the fun stuff. I forgot what it was like to have so much free time, to blog! Free time meaning, I only work from 7am-6pm now, instead of the 5am-11pm. Sometimes, I'm just not sure what to do with the time. As I'm meeting more and more friends, I don't think I have anything to worry about. Miss you all!

PS- Proud Aunt shout out. I have a new nephew as of 6/22/09 and a new niece as of 7/10/09. That makes for 15 nieces and nephews! Miss and love them all!

Double Trouble!

These are the twins that I now nanny. Cute as can be!


Meet Madeline!

And Imogen!

Cake Making

I've always wanted to take cake decorating classes, and start doing cakes. I made my nieces huge Cup Cake cake for her first birthday, and decided I'd take up my own on my birthday. ( For those that don't know, I have a shoe obbsession, and limegreen and pink are my favorite colors!) My little nephew Lincoln decided to help as well....

Happy 60th Birthday, Dad!

California was a blast. While there I, along with help from the siblings threw my dad a 60th surprise Birthday Party. It was a lot of fun. My Uncle and one of my cousins from Alaska flew in for it. My Aunt and 2 of my cousins from San Fran. came down for it. All my siblings from Utah, CA, had come out for it. Defenitley missed my brother from AZ, as his wife was due with their 2nd baby ANY DAY! The pictures below are a mixture from my dad's surprise party, and just family in general. Also, our "June Birthdays" family party. June is a popular month for us : June 1 is my niece Lauren's Birthdy. June 19th is my brothers, June 22 is my dad's and my nephews AND my new nephews! June 23rd is mine. It made for a fun time. And one last Happy Birthday to Dad!

Family and Dad's 60th


It had been about five or more years, since I had seen any of my cousins. A few of them were down for my Dad's party, and I was able to see my other cousin in SF before leaving for Australia. It was so much fun. I miss them lots and love them tons!

Arizona June 2009

So, on my way home to Cali, I made a stop in AZ. To see my best friends there, Nikki and Heather. And also of course, I stayed with my little Peyton and brother and sister in law. It was a lot of fun to see them. When I was there, I was hopping for another nephew. No such luck, but about 4 days later, Peyton became a big sister! While there, I got treated to Peyton's beauty Salon. Also, to find myself in a water war with her. But not nearly as much as her Grandma Bryce did! We also went on a night Rhino(4wheeler type thing) ride, and then went looking for "Scorpins" with a blacklight so her daddy could kill them! Luckily, they were all in the back ally, none at the house! I love that little girl to pieces, and miss he more than anyone knows! Talk about guilt trip: "Kimmy, why you going to Australia, don't you just want to stay in "fatcher" (Thatcher) with me? " Awwwww.