Monday, November 30, 2009

Un-invited Visitors!!!!!

You can either have a nice Spring breeze, and expect these to come visit. Or, you can not have either. Thing is by the time these HUGE cockroaches hit the doorway they die. But who wants to pick THAT up and throw outside. I have never been so disgusted in my life. These are the biggest and most hideous cockroacehs I've ever seen. Can't leave ANYTHING food wise on the counters at night. It will be covered. Supposidly, this is normal in Australia. Everyone gets them. I find NOTHING normal about this!!! I can't believe I even posted this pic. Sick! Not to mention the spiders. And the fact that we are supposed to check our shoes before we put them on??
On a better note: Today is officially the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER! May the beachin' it continue........

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Outta Whack!

It's Spring time here. And soon to be Summer. Thus my background. Though, I must say I am missing the feeling of fall. Halloween in Spring just didn't feel quite right. Christmas in Summer (100* weather at that) will be so weird. Nonetheless, I'm taking what I've got and enjoying it at it's best. Been beachin' it TONS lately!! And loving every minute of it. With Spring, comes the big races over here. Horse races. Everybody gets all "frocked" up and heads out for a fun day. That's next weekend for me. As I'm spending this weekend on the beach with my Canadian friends :)
Melbourne trip the weekend after that, Christmas party the weekend after that, "Nanny Night Out" the weekend after that, taking the Girls to see "The Wiggles!" the weekend after that, then Christmas. Why oh WHY no matter where you are, this time of year is always SO busy! I know I am oh so behind on pictures. But I will gather some to put up very soon. For now, I must go Soak up the sun, while I'm missing Fall.